Climbing Walls
StoneCraft products are commonly used in the sport climbing industry as a unique, economical, textured surface that stands up to the daily wear and tear of indoor climbing gyms. Once installed, this lightweight solution weighs less than 2 pounds per square foot, a critical element in building some of the taller structures seen today. StoneCraft may be applied over most common building materials and is typically applied from 1/8 inch to _ inch in thickness.
Different textures and colours provide the flexibility to create your own unique theme or to replicate different types of rock. It may also be applied in layers to achieve greater thickness or molded to form cracks and other rock-like features contributing to a more realistic climbing environment.
Easy to climb and user friendly, StoneCraft does not require any special treatments and is resistant to black streaking from the soft rubber soles on climbing shoes. This means the surface looks good year after year, minimizing cleaning and keeping maintenance costs at a minimum. Contact us to find out more about how to make StoneCraft part of your climbing facility.